How to reduce your waist circumference with these 3 movements?

How to reduce your waist circumference with these 3 movements?

Stubborn fat deposits on your waistline can have a negative impact on your self-image, in addition to increasing your risk of diabetes or heart disease. The fat that is located on this part of our body is known as visceral fat. You can quickly calculate your waist-to-hip ratio (RTH) by dividing your waist circumference by your hip circumference.


What are the movements to perform to lose weight, lose belly and tone the body?

What foods to eat to reduce your waistline?

It is important to understand how weight loss works, and the most common mistake we make is to believe that having concrete abs can be done overnight. If there are "miracle" diets that promise it, practicing certain twisting movements may be more effective in gradually reducing your waistline. Discover these 3 exercises that help reduce the number of fat cells and have a wasp size.

What are the movements to perform to lose weight, lose belly and tone the body?

1 Russian Twist

Here’s how to do a Russian twist:

  1. Root into your sit bones as you lift your feet from the floor, keeping your knees bent.

  2. Elongate and straighten your spine at a 45-degree angle from the floor, creating a V shape with your torso and thighs.

  3. Reach your arms straight out in front, interlacing your fingers or clasping your hands together.

  4. Use your abdominals to twist to the right, then back to center, and then to the left.

  5. This is 1 repetition. Do 2 to 3 sets of 8 to 16 repetitions.


  1. Help support your body weight by extending the arm that's on the same side …

  2. Keeping your hip on the floor, lean into your hand. This will give your oblique …

  3. Stay there for about 20 to 30 seconds, then repeat on the other side.


How to make high knees?

Well, this one is really simple. You simply have to stand up straight and alternately bring your knees to the height of your chest. Keep moving from one leg to the other with a jump and that's it.

Do a minimum of four sets of 50 high knees for each leg to burn more calories. You can also time yourself with a stopwatch – a one-minute high knee is a good start.

A few things to remember when making high knees:

  • The higher you bring your knee, the better the impact will be.

  • You can keep your arms out and hit the knee on the palm to notice that you are maintaining height.

  • Speed matters a lot. Do it as fast as you can.

  • Don't try to make your knees high right after a meal.

  • If you have just sipped in the water, then wait 5 minutes and then perform high knees.

What foods to eat to reduce your waistline?

In addition to physical activity, consider adopting appropriate eating habits and reducing calories. A healthy and varied diet, rich in fruits and vegetables, including soluble fiber, probiotics and vitamin D, will help you significantly lose weight and reduce abdominal fat. Natural probiotics are known to boost weight loss.

Losing weight is not easy. Avoid refined carbohydrates such as white bread, white rice, industrial cakes, sodas... A low-carbohydrate diet undoubtedly helps to lose fat especially at the abdominal belt and extra pounds. You can also eat low-carb vegetables.

Even if fat has long been decried, lipids remain essential for the proper functioning of our body. Simply eat foods that contain healthy fats such as avocados, almonds, cashews or oily fish. These are staple foods that provide a boost of healthy fats and are easier to digest.

Finally, remain vigilant about the amount of sodium present in your diet. Salt tricks your body into retaining water, which can swell your waistline.

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